Necessity Of Education

(a)  What do you think about the necessity of education?
(b)  Can education really remove the darkness of ignorance?

(c)  How does education promote understanding among people?
(d)  What is the present condition of education? 


Education is the backbone of a nation.  Education can make a person conscious about herself /himself,  his/her family,  about the reality of life.  Education can remove darkness by helping a person to know what to do or what not to do.  Education is essential for caring for one’s health. Education can give a man knowledge about nutrition.  Education can help us to earn our livelihood. lt purifies individuals as well as the society.  Whereas.  illiteracy is a curse.  It makes a man blind.  It makes a man superstitious.  It causes human beings to lose morality.  No individual as welll as society can be developed  without education.  So education is a must for every person.  No family head should prevent their wards from going to school.  Rather every body should inspire their children to go to school for education.  It should be kept in mind that education is considered the most essential precondition to individual development.  At present our government has given much opportunity for education so that every every child-both girl and boy can be literate.  So.  it is wise of everybody to send their wards for learning.

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